Memory Bear

. . . a bear with a past and a memory worth keeping

My bear sits at the end of my bed. Every time I look at him, a smile makes its way up from my heart and I’m instantly transported back to when I was 7 years old, sitting on my parents couch, opening a brown paper parcel tied up with string.

My wish is that everyone has a memory that makes them smile, makes them feel safe and to feel loved, and to give them a sense of belonging.

Memory Bear

. . . a bear with a past and a memory worth keeping

Sometimes, when it’s hard to let go, it helps to have something to hold onto.

Be comforted, when grieving, and feel your loved one close with a beautifully, hand-crafted Memory Bear.

We love to take an article of clothing, favorite blanket etc, and turn them into beautiful and unique, designer bears.

It warms my heart to see what happens when people, of all ages, hold something that connects them to someone they have loved . . .”

Keepsake Bear

. . . a bear with a story to tell

Our lives are made up from thousands of micro-moments or stories. Some stories we want to hold onto, to relive the feeling of and cherish forever.

It may be the story of marrying your soulmate, bringing your babies home, their first day of school, your first school ball or snuggling into daddy’s shirt.

“What an enormous privilege to be trusted to cut into an item that represents someone you have loved. Every bear has it’s own story and it’s wonderful to know that we are a small part of that story.”