Our Team


Penny Short

Penny is the brains and heart behind Ātaahua Dolls and has been sewing for over 40 years, including making clothes and quilts for her three children and others.

When Penny was young she received from her Granny and Grandad in England, a brown paper parcel tied up with string. Beneath layers of tissue, a teddy Penny still treasures today, was waiting inside for her.

It is this experience that Penny wants to share with every recipient who opens their own brown box, lined with layers of tissue and tied up with string.


Alice Short

Alice is Penny’s youngest daughter and is our Marketing and Online Manager. Growing up Alice loved taking photos and creative writing. She received her first camera aged 7.

She credits her creativity to her parents - her father expresses his creativity through wood.

Alice has been instrumental in creating and managing the website and social media platforms for our beautiful company.

To her, family is very important and considers being a part of this family venture an enormous privilege.